
Sponsorship Opportunities

We invite you to support the APS CU*iP at UC San Diego by becoming a sponsor. Your sponsorship will help us provide an enriching experience in physics for undergraduate women and gender minorities. Below are the various sponsorship levels and the benefits associated with each:

  • Cosmic Sponsors:  $10,000+ 
    • includes Galactic Benefits
    • verbal address from sponsor representative at the networking reception
  • Galactic Sponsors:  $5,000+ 
    • includes Planetary benefits
    • verbal address from sponsor representative at the start of lunch
    • name/logo on conference swag and conference materials
  • Planetary Sponsors:  $2,500+ 
    • includes Atomic Benefits
    • verbal recognition at the banquet
  • Atomic Sponsors:  $1,000+ 
    • includes Quantum Benefits
    • sponsored coffee break
  • Quantum Sponsors:  $500+ $200+ Early bird special until December 8, 2024! 
    • sponsor provided swag handed out to students upon their arrival at CU*iP
    • booth at the grad-industry fair
    • name/logo on the conference website

How to Sponsor

If you are interested in sponsoring the APS CU*iP at UCSD, please get in touch with us at cuwip2025-chairs@physics.ucsd.edu. Alternatively, you can use the secure donation form by visiting our designated project page on Give to UCSD or scanning the QR code on the right. We appreciate your support in making this event a success and helping to foster the next generation of physicists. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to diversity and inclusion in physics.
Donate to CU*iP 2025 @ UCSD

Local Sponsors

This conference is supported in part by a co-sponsorship from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Any views or opinions expressed in this conference are solely those of the speaker(s) and/or organizer(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the Office of the Vice Chancellor.

National Sponsors

CU*iP conferences are supported in part by the National Science Foundation (PHY-1346627, PHY-1622510, and PHY-2012033) and by the Department of Energy (DE-SC0011076). Further details are available on the APS conference website.